Sunday, August 30, 2009

Soccer Saturday

This is how our Saturdays will look for the next few weeks:

Sarah went straight to the goal and scored her third one just after I shot this picture. (After the third goal, the coach told her they needed to give someone else a chance and moved her to mid field!) And I should mention she was stung by a bee in the temple of her head just before the game... Libby commented that maybe she needs to be stung every week! ;-)

This is Sarah's game from the hill behind it.... (that's her with the ball).....

Jacob plays so hard and always has a good time, it's fun to watch him.

Here's me, as I generally look on the sidelines:

Here's Libby, as she generally looks on the sidelines (she comes prepared with snacks!):

When your child plays on Field 5... (as Sarah usually does)... you get a direct view of this awesome and very old tree that has been respected (i.e. not chopped down) as the park has expanded around it. God's creation is incredible.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Worth Remembering

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday's Tapestry

I wish I had more time for blogging. At times I am so sad that the world is missing out on so much good stuff because I just don't have time to unload the contents of my mind onto the internet as I would like. (Ha ha). I'm sorry for that. But I am thinking about some ways to get organized on here so I can be more focused, which I think will help.

The "1000 Gifts" journaling I am doing is proving to be such a good thing for me. Despite my tendency toward silly-ness and my awesome sense of humor, I am really a very cynical and negative-thinking person. It is so therapeutic for me to sit down regularly and focus on what is good. I think I have been surprised that there is actually so much good around me all the time if I am just looking for it. It turns out that when Paul told the Philipians, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things", he was on to something big! :-) My plan is to get my kids' journals and start them doing it, too.

Tim and the girls are off to see the Jonas Brothers tonight, so it is just me and this guy hanging out tonight...

He is showing off the Red Wings jersey he got out of the "free" box at the hockey open house last Saturday and saying his latest, "Wassup Homa Janes?" (Don't ask me, I don't know!)

Update: About my health issues I posted a while back... it seems it is all most likely side-effects of the medication I take and as of today, I am being switch to a different one. I am a little apprehensive about the switch because of things I have read on the internet (if you want to be scared, start reading about your health issues on the internet!), but hopefully it will go well.

"Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, who lives from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and amen!" Ps. 41:13

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just Journaling

I love journals and pretty notebooks - I always have. I don't know how many I have bought over my life time. Most never get used for the grand purpose I originally envision for them. But I do love to write and lately I have been doing lots of it. I actually have three journals I am writing in regularly these days...

This one I have had a long while. I was very excited when I got it, but have since decided I like spiral-bound journals better... the kind that will lay open flat when I am writing. I use it for recording bible verses from my "daily" bible reading schedule. (I use the term "daily" loosely because I don't always get to it daily). Borrowing and adapting the idea from my word-loving (and Word loving!) friend Lisa, what I do is to copy a verse from that day's reading into the journal and write a few lines about why I chose it or what I think about it. I have been doing this kind of journaling for several years.... I actually filled two spiral notebooks this way the first time I read through the bible! It's so nice to have a written record of it!

This journal I got from my sweet friend Tracy for my birthday this year. She let me pick it out and I just love it. Since it says "Thoughts and Prayers" on the front cover, I decided to use it as a prayer journal. So, this one is my "Talking" journal and the previous one is my "Listening" journal. I write in this one almost daily now (I talk more than I listen, it is true)- sometimes just lists of people and situations I am praying for. Sometimes paragraphs of what is on my heart. I have no rules for it- I just write down whatever I need to write. I am loving it. Let me know and I will add your name! :-)

And because I'm crazy and couldn't figure out I already had enough journals, I used a gift card from my hip friend Beth and her incredible mom Nancy... and bought this hip and incredible journal from the bookstore. I had no idea what to use it for.... until I was visiting this wonderful blog a few days ago that was recommended by my cousin Kristy, and I now recommend to you... A Holy Experience... and I got the idea for something I have tried in the past off and on... a journal of thanksgiving and gratitude... she refers to it as "1000 Gifts List". I think she started with the goal of writing down 100 gifts from God (things for which she was thankful), but soon reached 100 and started working on 1,000. She does hers once a week, but I am so excited, I have written a few every night for the past 3 or 4... I like the list format. 1, 2 and 3 are Sarah, Libby and Jacob. And from there, I have written things like, "A long, hot bath", "Food in the pantry", "A walk with a friend".... I already have 40 items on my list! What a blessing to remind myself daily that God is GOOD!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pictureless Post

I have no pictures today, just some unexpected time to write a few updates. (I'm waiting on a call from the doctor because I think Libby has pinkeye, so she and I stayed home from church). These items would all be separate blog posts if I had the time to do that. :-)

1) Soccer has started! Sarah wasn't thrilled about her to team to begin with, but decided yesterday she likes them okay. She is still playing AYSO, which for those who don't know, is a "recreational league"... it's not real competitive or anything. I have asked her repeatedly the past few years if she wanted to switch to a club team (which are more competitive, travel, practice more nights per week, etc.) and she has always declined. She is really a talented player and could be much better if she would join a more serious team, but anyway... it just depends on her goals and her goals have not been the same as mine. That's okay. This team seems to be stronger than the one she played on last season and she scored the first goal of the season at yesterday's game and seemed to make some friends. Go Sarah!

Jacob's game started on a field within view of Sarah's before Sarah's was over. I went up there with him (and when I say "up", this is one of the new fields they built at the very back of the park and they are up a fairly steep hill with no parking close by...), but because it started late and he sat out the first period, I didn't get to see him play because I had to get Sarah and get her to piano lessons. (Our busy Saturdays have started again!) Tim said the game went well. This morning, though, when I checked my email, I had one from his coach that suggested otherwise. Apparently some parents were really upset because the players didn't know their positions and, therefore, lost the game and these parents were blaming the coach. Oh puh-lease. They have had TWO practices and only one with the head coach (who is a volunteer like everyone in AYSO and signed up a week ago and who is a single mom of four boys (whose father is overseas in the military) and she is coaching two of their teams).... needless to say she did not appreciate the criticism. And I don't blame her. Some people just take these things WAY too seriously. Relax, people. They're 8 years old.

2) Me. I've been having some weird health issues off and on lately. Headaches, nausea, sore throat, stiff neck, tired eyes etc. Twice in the past month, I have not been able to make it home from work without having to stop because I was very sick. Tim had to get me one of those times. My eyes were also doing weird things a couple nights ago. I am tempted to blame all of this on the new job and using the computer so much. The first night I got sick, though, I went to a walk-in clinic and was told I had a sinus infection. Regardless, I went and had an eye exam yesterday and got new (cute) glasses (it has been over 3 years since I got my last pair) and the doctor said that will help with the eye strain I am feeling if I will wear them ALL THE TIME while I am at work, but thought there might be two separate issues going on and suggested I may want to see someone else about the headaches and nausea. He also said he could see my eyes "dancing" and they weren't "converging" when he moved a pen toward my nose. Hmmm..... so now I have to move onto stage two of this investigation. I have an appointment with an opthamologist this week. Pray for me!! :-)

3) Grammar lesson. I have an English degree and value proper usage of the English language, particularly in writing. If you are one of the MANY English speakers who is not sure when to use an apostrophe, I urge you to take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the valuable information here. Pay particular attention to No. 4... that's a tricky one.

4) School started last Monday and so far, everyone seems happy with their teachers, schedules, friends, etc. Tim starts tomorrow and I *think* I have finally come to an understanding with my boss that will cut my hours back to where I want them and allow me to feel less stressed and tired, and more in control of the household.

5) We had a delightful dinner last night at the home of a new colleague of Tim's. They are Chinese and both graduated from Michigan State! (Go right through for MSU!!!!) The food was DELICIOUS (I couldn't stop eating, there were so many choices!) and the kids had fun with their kids.

6) A couple weeks ago, we went over to Florence to the park by the Marriott and they have these fountains there that are so much fun for kids (and adults, too!). For those who live in this area, they are similar to the ones at Bridge Street, but there are lots more of them and they spray much higher. We went in the evening and they have colorful lights and music. There are also a big playground, plenty of open grass space for a picnic, and public bathrooms available. There happened to be a band playing the night we were there, as a bonus. I HIGHLY recommend this for families with kids. It's free (if you don't count the gas to drive over there) and so much fun. If you want to read more about it and see a picture, go here.

And that about sums things up from here. :-)

"And now Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him. And love him and serve him with all your heart and soul". Deut. 10:12

Monday, August 3, 2009

Libby's Room

Libby's had a little room makeover. She got a new comforter, a new headboard (that I found at a thrift store for cheap!) and a new pink fuzzy rug (primarily to cover up stains on the carpet!) :-) Also, I found these colorful frames in a 3-pack for $2.50 at Target and we put some of her scrapbooking stuff in them... she designed them and I did most of the gluing. I think they turned out really cute. I wish I had more time for blogging- I have a bunch of things on my mind to write about, but no time to sit down and do it. I did add a feature to the right.... "Things That Smell Good". :-)