Until then, I keep studying to be a Legal Assistant and I am coming to love the law. And here are the reasons I think that is:
1) I love what law is. Law is "enforceable rules that govern individual and group conduct in a society".
2) Without law, we have anarchy. I hate anarchy.
3) Though not perfect, U.S. law mostly makes sense and is mostly good. I like things that make sense.
4) It needs people who can analyze it and apply it to issues. I like to analyze and apply.
5) It needs people who can write about it. I like to write.
6) The law has its own vocabulary and uses lots of Latin words. I like being privvy to an exclusive vocabulary.
Some day I will be a great Legal Assistant, unless I decide to remain a Thrift Store Manager. There are reasons I like thrift stores, too. Maybe I will tell them to you next time.