Monday, November 5, 2012

My New Hobby

I needed a hobby.  Something I could do easily while sitting in my recliner watching TV.  Something to help me relax.  That's when it hit me.... I should crochet an afghan this winter!
Instead I decided to start smaller.  I bought some 100% cotton yarn in some pretty colors and got to work making dishcloths.  I had to watch a tutorial online to help myself remember how to do the basic stitch.  At Christmas when I see my mom again, she is going to help me learn some more complex stitches (right mom?)  Right now I am enjoying my new hobby so much.  I got a cute little basket at my store and set it beside my chair.
I can't wait to get enough practice so I feel I am ready to start that afghan!
And here is my first completed dishcloth.  Go me!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

More Kingdom Thoughts

Two Saturdays ago, I went for the first time with my friend M to pass out food to the homeless outside a local homeless shelter.  It's an informal, early morning thing.  (I don't generally embrace the early morning).  M and his friends bring the food that is left over from the week at the recovery center where he lives, and for which I work, and passes it out to people leaving the homeless shelter on Saturday mornings.  Another church group showed up with sack lunches and some coffee.  M lead a devotional.  One of the homeless prayed.   We also brought coats and socks from my store.  Afterward, back to tent city to pass out some more necessities and then to breakfast as a group.  I was feeling a bit of a spiritual high.

Unfortunately, it was while I was at breakfast that I got the call from Sarah about her friend Kaitlyn being in a horrific car accident the night before... so I gave my bill and money to M, asked him to pray, and left in tears... anxious to get to Sarah and to Kaitlyn.  Spiritual highs are often fragile things.

Kaitlyn's head injuries are severe and she is still in a coma two weeks later, but is responsive to commands and is holding her own despite initial reports that she would not survive.  I pray every day for this girl who is like a child of my own.  During our last visit to the hospital in Nashville to see her, I could not go in to visit due to bronchitis, but the girls who visited her came out all smiles.  Which made me happy.

Many are praying.  Her friends have raised a tremendous amount of money to help the family with expenses.  One teenage boy at Sarah's church gave $50 out of his own pocket.  I see God at work in this situation.  In his kingdom.  Using his people to reach out to this family.  And to heal Kaitlyn.

But it has been so hard.  A visit from my parents was so nice, but then they had to leave and I got bronchitis (again) and, well... life is getting me down.  I'm just going to be honest. It's a rough time.

So this past week, I decided to go and be with the homeless again and decided to take my own contribution... homemade cookies.  I didn't feel much like making cookies since I was getting over bronchitis, but it's amazing how, in God's kingdom, you GET BACK so much more than you GIVE.  Service to others is one of the best anti-depressant drugs out there.  Not only did I make people happy with cookies, I also got to spend time outside of work with the guys from the program who I love and pray for daily.
It wasn't such a spiritual high this time, more just like a kick in the pants to get over my self-pity.  Thank you God for all the blessings you have given me.  Please be with Kaitlyn and bring about a miraculous healing in her life!  Thank you for letting me work in your Kingdom and keeping me safe there.  It is a pleasure to serve you.