Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kids' Activities

This is Sarah's first year to play indoor soccer and it's actually alot of fun to watch. First, it's indoors, so the weather is no issue. :-) Plus, the games are shorter than a traditional soccer game and the action is faster. They play with a partially-deflated ball so that it doesn't bounce so much. In the picture above, the boy next to her is pushing her... as he was doing the entire game. I almost yelled, "Stop pushing my daughter, you brute!" at one point, but refrained myself. She can hold her own with the boys.

Libby is taking a ceramics class again at the art museum. This time she brought her friend Caroline. Jacob is also taking a clay class at the same time, but this past week his class was cancelled. He didn't mind- he told me the second week of the class that "Mom, art is just not my thing". Read, "It's not a contact sport". So instead we fed ducks at the duck pond next to the art museum while we waited for the girls.