Wednesday, August 8, 2012

On this day in August...

Outside my window...night is falling.  The temps are cooler than they had been.  It is still summer, though.  I wish it was raining.

In the kitchen...Libby baked a carrot cake.  And I made Hamburger Helper for dinner. And the dishwasher is running.  All is at peace.

I am thinking...about my job. And the people I get to meet.  And the disappointment I feel when they leave.

I am grateful...for my home (because someone I know was happy to move from the Rescue Mission into a hotel room this week) and for freedom (because someone I know is looking at jail time) and for a job (because I have met many this week who don't have one).
I am praying... and praying and praying and praying.....

I am wondering...if my mom and sister are having fun together without me. :-P

I am studying... nothing!  I am now on a two-week break before Fall semester starts and then I will be doing nothing but studying.  :-)  Civil Law, Wills & Estates and Legal Writing.  Exciting.

I am resolving...nothing!  I am not resolving to do anything because I am sick of resolving and failing.

I am wearing...a "Navy Mom" t-shirt I got at my store and a pair of Minnie Mouse pajama pants. 

Around the house...laundry is needing doing.

I am reading...a Chicken Soup book with real-life stories of God answering prayers in amazing ways!

I am going...crazy.  Want to come?
I am looking forward to...Christmas Break!  :-)

A picture (Libby got the idea from Pinterest for my birthday last month)....