Friday, June 14, 2013

Weird Things

It's been fun getting to know Spike this week- every week day he has come to volunteer at the store.  I drove him to and from church and home from M's graduation Thursday.  He has a cute and likeable personality. All week he has been weighing his options , talking to his parents and trying to figure out where to go next.  Today he came and told me, with a big smile on his face, that he will start at The Way on Monday!  I'm glad he will be around a while so I can keep an eye on him.

Then later today, my dear friend Tammy came by the store to say hello and when Spike walked by, I said, "Spike, come meet my friend Tammy".  And guess what?  They already knew each other!  When he lived here last year for a couple months, she cut his hair.  How strange, these twists and turns of fate!

MmmHmm.... God is working in Spike's life.  No question about it.

And I LOVE when God uses me, even in a small way, in someone's story.