I always post too many pictures of my times with my family in Michigan, but I feel I'm entitled since I don't post much these days. Ha. Entitled to post pictures on my own blog?! I guess I can post whatever I want here... you don't HAVE to read it. :-) So... I flew up to Michigan for Thanksgiving and I sincerely missed being with my kids this year. But I was glad I didn't have to stay in Alabama alone. The real bummer is that I can't get the pictures in the order I want them on this laptop. So.... here they are in no logical order....
The table at Melissa's before we ate Thanksgiving dinner..... Mom had the great idea to teach us all to make German stars. Here is Melissa...
Here are mine finished....
Here is Melissa, Kelli and Mom's finished....
Mine in the beginning stages....
Working on the stars, watching the football game.....
Me at Spartys eating a Coney.....
My cousin Rhonda and me at McDonalds....