Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday's Simple Life

Okay... back to two columns and some new wallpaper... :-) Such a good feeling. It was funny- I really wanted a quilt background, but when I searched for that, only found some weird thing with horses... which was not at all what I was looking for... I'll have to keep looking, I admittedly didn't look very hard. But I love this one, so it's probably here to stay a while. :-)

With my fam gone to Ohio without me (I felt it too soon to ask for a week off work to go with them)... I am spending some quality time with my house instead. I made a list of all the chores I want to get done this weekend and have started crossing them off. I am hoping by the end of today, I'll have most of it crossed off. And what's left, I will do tomorrow.

I thought about some "before and after" pictures of my cleaning, but do you really think I am going to take pictures of my filthy house to embarrass myself? Um, decided not to. I could only bring myself to take a picture of this, which happens to be the messiest room in the house (you can see I have already stripped the bottom bunk and have washed the sheets)...

And a new FEATURE on my blog.... "Libby's Camera Exploits". I have mentioned before I always find pictures she has taken when I download my latest pictures... I've decided to start posting them for entertainment. This week's isn't so bad... just her new school bag. (Cute, huh?)

Back to cleaning.... and thinking. I don't get much time to THINK (i.e. meditate) these days... which, in some ways, is a good thing because generally if I have too much time to think, I end up depressed. But.... a little bit of time should be good as long as I can stay focused on God and what is good...

Now I'm off to clean. More later.......


Kristy said...

I like the new look, and the cute bag. A week alone? I can't believe your good fortune!