Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Home Again

If you didn't know this already.... after being employed for nine months, I'm at home again. This is not exactly by choice and if you want the whole story, I'd be happy to tell you by email... but let's just leave it at this for blogging purposes (feel free to take note of this).. I am choosy about who I let in my personal space without an invitation. It's okay... I liked the job, but I am liking being at home, too. I am currently exploring my options, as I have to have something to keep me busy and I liked the money.

But, in the mean time, I am getting lots of housework done, as I had fallen behind on lots of things as a working mother. And yesterdayI got to go on a field trip with Jacob's class to see a play. Before I worked, I went on field trips out of a sense of duty and never really enjoyed myself. But yesterday it seemed like a luxury and I really liked getting to spend time with my little guy. Perspective is a funny thing.

So... pray for me as I figure out what to do next, if anything.