Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I haven't been finding (i.e. making) alot of time for blogging lately. But I got this idea from my friend Lisa's blog and I think it may make things easier for me right now to update at least once a week. The idea is from this website:

And it just takes answering some simple questions...


Outside my window... it is overcast, a bit dreary and still

I am thinking... about loss. Two of my parents' neighbors (women I knew growing up) passed away within the past month (both unexpectedly) and today Lisa's mom went to heaven, only like 8 months after her husband. I think she died from a broken heart and I have been thinking about that all day.

I am thankful for... my friend Sonja because today is her birthday! Happy Birthday Sonja!

From the learning rooms... I don't homeschool, but we're up to our eyeballs in Geometry and Lowest Common Multiples and reading logs and projects...

From the kitchen... just made an Asian chicken and rice dish out of a box that wasn't too bad... I substituted pork for the chicken.

I am wearing... khaki shorts, my new favorite black polo, a barrett keeping my hair back, no shoes or socks

I am creating... I started writing my novel! I'm serious!! A brilliant idea came to me a few days ago for the novel I have always wanted to write and I started writing and couldn't stop. This was inspired, partly, I think, by a friend of mine here in Huntsville who just had a book published (see below).

I am going... to church in a while. There I will see Lisa's mom's best friend and I will hug her neck.

I am reading... Just finished "The Healer's Apprentice" by Melanie Dickerson (I have a signed copy!!) I highly recommend it. It's a christian book, a love story set in Medieval Germany. It was written toward a "teen" market, but I found it very, very good myself. Once I got into it, I had a hard time putting it down.
I am hoping... for peace

I am hearing... Jacob sharpening a pencil in the electric sharpener behind me

Around the house... I have started putting out my fall decor! Lovin' it! I'm also trying to "downsize" our stuff. Just cleaning out and throwing out. Feels great.

One of my favorite things... Helping Sarah pick out a dress for homecoming!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Work on my book, spend time with God, get called for an interview to the perfect job (that should go under hoping!)

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

(The quilt my very-talented mom just finished for Sarah).


MOM said...

I like this format. But hope you can post more than once a week. Always wanting more aren't I?