Saturday, February 20, 2010


Snow last weekend. Today, it was in the 60s and beautiful. I took the girls and we went to the walking trail... so the girls could run and I could walk. They each brought a friend. In the car on the way there, Sarah's friend says to me, "Mrs. Newman? Um... there might be a couple of boys meeting us there". :-) Oh.... well, I wondered why they were so anxious to go. Ha. Picture below of Sarah, friend and "boys". They are all looking at Libby and her friend who were finishing up their run/walk.

The only "boy" I met there was God. He was all around in the beauty of the day!


The Ahmeds said...

BOYS!!! Wow, your oldest is really growing up! Watch out! Sooner or later, she'll be going out!hahaha!