Monday, June 14, 2010


Melissa found this picture and emailed it to me. I thought I'd share because it made me laugh! Her comment was that "it tells such a story". That's my grandpa (that passed away last year) being silly.... me, pregnant with Libby, making a face at him.. and Sarah mad about something (what's new?) I don't really have any memory of the day, but it would be nice to go back.... it's weird I sort-of miss my screaming little meemie, being pregnant, and of course, my grandpa.


Melissa said...

When I really looked hard at that picture, the story I see is, "Sarah scared to death of Grandpa and Grandpa resigned to the fact that the grandkids are scared of him when they are I'm not sure about. Mad at Grandpa for scaring the stinker???

MOM said...

tissue time